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Trump Says Democrats Are Running For

Bieso- Mathe-Physik überträgt einen Livestream.

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2025-03-26 00:00 0 Youtube


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2025-03-18 02:51 1,860 Youtube

Der Wahnsinn der CDU: Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen!

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2025-03-16 01:26 699 Youtube

Haben Sie schon einmal jemandem einen Realitätscheck unterzogen? 🤯🙏

Upload : 55 minutes ago...

2025-03-26 01:01 19 Youtube

Trump Says Democrats Are 'Running For The Hills' On DACA

President Trump on Tuesday again slammed Democrats for inaction on DACA....

2018-03-06 01:03 19 Dailymotion

Trump Says 'Democrats Are Pushing For Universal HealthCare'

President Trump said on Monday that "Democrats are pushing for Universal HealthCare"....

2018-02-05 00:53 0 Dailymotion

Trump Says Democrats Are 'Getting Very Strange'

President Trump again went after Democrats on Twitter....

2019-03-20 00:52 8 Dailymotion

Trump says Democrats are ‘destroying health care’

During a short address at Cincinnati Municipal Lunken Airport, June 7, President Trump accused congressional Democrats of “destroying health care.”...

2017-06-07 01:35 7 Dailymotion

Trump says Democrats are holding coronavirus relief bill 'hostage'

Donald Trump says he will act unilaterally to suspend payroll taxes for all Americans through the end of 2020 and possibly longer and extend supplemental unempl...

2020-08-08 02:24 15 Dailymotion